Big chop. Two very small words with such a great impact. If you’re familiar with or are part of the natural hair community, then you’ve heard this term a million times. The thought of doing a big chop terrified me to my core. So much of my identity was attached to my hair, or so I thought.

As a Black woman growing up in the Western world, there is so much discourse surrounding Black hair. Part of me always felt like I had something to prove. As if it was my responsibility to prove Black women were capable of growing long and healthy hair.
What is “The Big Chop”?
In essence, the big chop refers to cutting your hair very short to regrow it as healthy as possible. This is common for those who have damaged hair due to excessive heat styling, chemical treatments, and overall neglect. This dramatic cut is the kickstart to a healthy, natural hair journey.
I’ve had relatively “long” hair for the majority of my adult life and never would I have imagined pulling off short hair. I certainly didn’t think I had the face shape for it, whatever that means.
Fast forward to last year, I snipped the inches off and started fresh. This was such a liberating moment for me.
Now that I am on a healthy hair journey, here are the products that I have been using and loving.
Natural Hair Products to Use After a Big Chop
Once you’ve big chopped, it is very important to establish a natural hair routine. Your routine must be simple enough that you don’t get overwhelmed but effective enough to yield results.
You can check out this post where I break down the steps to creating a simple natural hair routine. It is perfect for beginners or those looking to get back to basics.
1. Moisturizing Shampoo
I have been burning through Maui Moisture products for a couple of years and they have quickly become some of my favourites. Their shampoos do a great job of cleaning without stripping your hair. Hence the name. I am currently loving the Strength & Length + Castor and Neem Oil line.
2. Deep Conditioners and treatments
When it comes to deep conditioners, I can’t say that I am loyal to a specific one. I reach for different brands for a variety of reasons. Sometimes I need a surge of moisture and other days a good protein treatment is necessary.
When it comes to moisturizing deep conditioners, this one by Shea Moisture is one of the best out there that I have tried. This one by Aussie is affordable and leaves your strands feeling instantly moisturized.
3. Leave in Conditioners
Leave-in conditioners are going to be your best friend when it comes to maintaining moisture. They are great for use on wash days as a follow-up after a deep conditioner or treatment. They are even better used as part of our daily styling routine. If there is anything you take away from this entire post, this is it. This leave-in by Shea Moisture is one of my all-time favourites. Garnier Fructis also carries one of my second favourites.
If you haven’t added a leave-in conditioner into your routine, you’re missing out. I recently started experimenting with Marc Anthony products, particularly their leave-ins. I’ve concluded that most work very well for curly and natural hair. This one is great and also doubles as a heat protectant and protects up to 425 degrees.
4. growth oil
This last one is a personal preference and I have been using it for the past year. I added it to my routine to encourage and stimulate growth. I find that it helps with sealing in the moisture on my scalp and preventing it from itching in between wash days. If you haven’t tried the cult favourite Mielle Strengthening Oil, you should check it out.
styling Products I’m loving
ORS and KeraCare Wax Stick
This post was all about natural hair products to use after the big chop.

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